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A+ is a web based, self paced learning system that allows students to either recover or acrue credits at an accelerated pace. The system is mastery based and prescriptive. Students first take a pre-test to assess current knowledge, then the system prescribes lessons. If a score of 80% or higher is achieved on the pre-test the student is considered to have mastered the lesson. If not the system will assign lessons to be completed. Following each lesson the student will take a mastery test. The student has three chances to pass the mastery test before moving on to the next lesson. After completing all assignments, a final exam must be passed with a score of 60% or better.
Students enrolled in Learning center are required to attend class where they will work on A+ lessons, however they may also work from home or any place else with an internet connection and are highly encouraged to do so. Only final exams and assesments MUST be taken in class with an instructor present. For students to work from home they will log in to:


A students login name is his or her student ID number, passwords are "innxxx" where xxx is the last three digits of the students ID.


A+ Learning System

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